Every Student Organization below has made PolyCultural Weekend a possibility and a success! The PolyCultural Weekend staff would like to thank the following organizations for their support and participation! As you scroll down for each organization's, you will also find their information on where to find them during PCW's Plaza Palooza and Club Breakout sessions!
alpha Kappa Delta Phi (S)
alpha Kappa Delta Phi is the first, largest and only international Asian-American interest sorority. We currently have 55 chapters internationally and 12 in California. We strive to follow our 5 pillars, sisterhood, leadership, philanthropy, scholarship, and Asian-awareness in the community while creating life-long relationships.
Instagram @sloakdphi
Club Breakout Room
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union (BSU) strives to enhance the lives of Black students and the life of the student body as a whole. We achieve this through the education of the Black consciousness and through the cultivation and promotion of Black culture. We host weekly meetings, attend conferences, go on field trips, host panels, plan socials, and much much more!
Instagram @calpolybsu Website
Club Breakout Room

Chi Delta Theta Sorority, Inc. (S)
Chi Delta Theta is an Asian interest sorority who promotes friendship, communication, cultural awareness and social activity among university women. We have 5 pillars including sisterhood, community service, social, academics and cultural awareness. We have chapters at UC Santa Barbara, Loyola Marymount University, Long Beach State, UC Davis, and UC Los Angeles.
Instagram @slochidelts
Chinese Student Association
The Chinese Students’ Association is one of the largest cultural clubs at Cal Poly. CSA is dedicated to embracing diversity and creating a “home away from home.” With CSA's 3 non-audition performing groups: Take Out Kidz, Lion Dance Team, and Variations, CSA desires to share Chinese culture with Cal Poly and the SLO community. We continue to make an effort to bring multiple backgrounds together.
Website Facebook
Dongali (DAL) strives to cultivate a community that empowers those who are interested in learning about Korean culture, traditions, history, and language while networking and connecting with others that share common interests. Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of Korean heritage or identity.
EPIC Movement
EPIC Movement is an Asian American-focused fellowship where we hope you will be able to experience the love of Jesus Christ! We seek to grow with one another through large-group/small-group settings, conferences, retreats, and Men's/Women's Ministry. We welcome everyone to be a part of our family!
Instagram @epicslo
Club Breakout Room
Imagen y Espiritu Ballet Folklorico
Imagen y Espíritu Ballet Folklorico de Cal Poly was founded in 1991 and is a club formed to teach people the traditional Mexican folk dancing and promote the appreciation for Mexican culture around Cal Poly and the SLO community through dance and spirit.
Indian Student Association
Indian Student Association strives to create a community among Indian and Desi identifying students while raising awareness about the South Asian culture on our campus and beyond. From offering a variety of resources to celebrating cultural events, Indian Student Association strives to connect its members to each other, to Cal Poly, and to Indian culture.
Instagram @calpolyisa Facebook
Club Breakout Room
Iranian Student Cultural Organization
The Iranian Student Cultural Organization (ISCO) is a non-political and non-religious student organization whose main objective is to host Iranian social and cultural events in the efforts to promote an understanding of Iranian culture while creating a safe environment to foster friendships and support system.
Instagram @iscocalpoly Facebook
Club Breakout Room
Japanese Student Association
The Japanese Student Association is a club with a focus on spreading awareness, understanding, and interest of/in the Japanese culture. General meetings are held every week that consist of information about upcoming events as well as Japanese culture. Weekend social events, senpai/kouhai program, study groups, and fundraisers are opportunities for club members to bond.
Instagram @calpolyjsa Facebook Website
Club Breakout Room
Korean American Student Association
Korean American Student Association (KASA) was founded in 1989 and focuses on promoting heritage, identity, and pride of Korean and Korean Americans. We have a non-audition dance team that focuses on hip-hop and K-pop. We also have a 선배 (sunbae) and 후배 (hoobae) mentorship program strives to establish a warm sense of community at Cal Poly.
Instagram @cpslokasa Facebook
Club Breakout Room
Lambda Sigma Gamma (S)
We focus on instilling the desire for self-improvement and scholastic excellence; cultivating civic responsibility; and promoting unity and higher education amongst womxn. Our commitment to making a difference in the lives of children is accomplished via scholarships, fundraisers, contributions, partnerships, and service. We support one another and provide a family away from home.
Instagram Facebook Youtube
Club Breakout Room
Lambda Theta Alpha (S)
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. was founded in 1975 and is recognized as the first largest Latina sorority nationwide. This sisterhood is based on unity, love, and respect in an effort to foster the development of strong leaders. We promote unity through charitable and educational programs, maintaining a higher standard of learning, and serving as a voice for all students.
Instagram Website
Lambda Theta Nu, Sorority Inc. (S)
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. is a Latinx sorority established to provide community and support to all Latinx womxn-identifying individuals pursing higher education. Through academic excellence, community service, and sisterhood, we hope to empower each other while providing a safe space for personal and professional growth.
Instagram Website
Lambda Theta Phi (F)
Lambda Theta Phi, Latin Fraternity, Inc. was founded in 1975, and is the first and largest Latin Greek organization. We provide leadership in shaping the future of our Fraternity; deliver innovative solutions to help promote our brothers and fraternity achieve their goals; and raise the social and cultural conscience of the Latinx community.
Latinos in Agriculture
Latinos in Agriculture (LIA) promotes diversity, higher education, and agriculture while providing a home away from home to underrepresented minority groups. We serve to support students involved in all fields of agriculture by assisting in seeking professional, career, or leadership development opportunities and serving as a cultural support system to all our members.
Instagram @cpslolatinosinag
Club Breakout Room
Latinx Business Student Association
The Latinx Business Student Association promotes the development of tomorrow’s future leaders through our four core values: professional development, academic success, family, and career advancement. LBSA strives to equip every member with the fundamental skills necessary to successfully launch their professional careers.
Instagram @lbsacalpoly Website
Club Breakout Room
Latinx Cultural Association
Latinx Cultural Association (LCA) strives to create a fun social environment to learn, share, and experience Latinx culture and practices. We promote a welcoming community for everyone and give the opportunity to appreciate the various heritages of the Latinx community.
Instagram @calpolylca Club Breakout Room
Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlan
MEXA is a national student ran organization dedicated to promoting higher education amongst Xicanx/a/o identifying students through the reconnection of culture and community. We are dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment that engaging in dialogues that critique our hxstories and explore contemporary issues within our community. ¡La unión hace la fuerza!
Instagram @calpolymexa Website
Club Breakout Room
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Black Engineers and Scientists (SBES) was established in 1978 and in 2017 became the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Today, it is the largest University-recognized African American academic and social club. Our mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers to excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
Instagram Website
Nikkei Student Union
Creating a space for Japanese Americans to find community, while also reinforcing Japanese American culture and history and how it affects our lives today.
Instagram @cpslo_nsu
Club Breakout Room
Nu Alpha Kappa, Fraternity Inc. (F)
NU ALPHA KAPPA promotes academic excellence and fosters a harmonious and brotherly atmosphere through social and cultural awareness. There is a need to interface the various backgrounds that constitute the student body of our fraternal university chapter in order to improve relations amongst all students and the community.
Omega Xi Delta (F)
Omega Xi Delta is the first Asian-interest fraternity at Cal Poly. As an organization, we pride ourselves on three core virtues: brotherhood, cultural awareness, and gentleman-like conduct. Since our establishment in 1994, our bonds in brotherhood are second to none. With an active house of 25, our members know each other on a deep, personal level that provides a home away from home.
Instagram Website
Pilipino Cultural Exchange
Pilipino Cultural Exchange (PCE) accepts people of different backgrounds to create an enriching cultural experience. Members have the opportunity to join performing groups, compete in intramural sports, connect with mentors in their major, and find a lifelong family - an important aspect of Filipino culture. We pride ourselves on being a home away from home for all of our members.
Instagram Website
Sigma Omega Nu (S)
Sigma Omega Nu was founded in 1996 and was the first Latina interest sorority established at Cal Poly. At the time, no group existed specifically for the academic, cultural or family support of Latina women pursuing higher education. Since then, Sigma Omega Nu's commitment to academic and family support has spread throughout California and Nevada. Today, Sigma Omega Nu's membership is made up of diverse women from many cultural, religious, and political backgrounds.
Instagram @calpolysunnies Website
Club Presentation Slides
SLO Breakers
Founded in 2017, Cal Poly SLO Breakers is one of the few hip hop organizations on campus that aims to promote a community based on the knowledge of hip hop culture. The club’s main focus is to provide a creative, inclusive, and inspiring atmosphere for people who are interested in one of the five elements of hip hop, b-boying.
Instagram @cpslobreakers Facebook
Club Breakout Room
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Student Chapter is an organization in which student leaders volunteer their time and efforts to help students and the community. Our mission is to increase the number of Hispanics entering the fields of engineering, science, or any other profession and provide recruitment, training programs, and tutoring for students to become professionals.
Instagram @shpecalpoly Website
Club Breakout Room
South Asian Student Association
South Asian Student Association aims to serve as a welcoming space centering the most marginalized within South Asia on the basis of race, ethnicity, caste, class, religion, gender, ability, and sexuality focused on co-existence and solidarity within and beyond South Asia. The goal of SASA is to celebrate many different South Asian cultural events while also creating a space where members can have fun and bond.
Instagram @cp.sasa
Club Breakout Room
South West Asian North African Club
The South West Asian North African (SWANA) club is a non-religious space for South West Asian (Middle Eastern) and North African students on campus to share their culture and talk about current events happening around the world. We wish to provide a safe space for SWANA students to feel comfortable talking about their identity and find a home away from home.
Thai Vietnamese Student Association
The Thai-Vietnamese Student Association warmly welcomes people of all ethnicities to learn about and appreciate Thai and Vietnamese culture. Meetings are every week and food events are planned every quarter, such as Hot Pot night, Pho night, Spring roll night, and many more! Come check us out and find a new home away from home!
Instagram @calpolytvsa Facebook
Club Breakout Room
United in Movement
United in Movement (UM) is a non-audition dance club that fosters a safe and inclusive environment for people with all kinds of backgrounds. We as dancers learn from many styles, focused on hip hop movement but not limited to hip hop. We have Weekly Workshops as well as Advanced Workshops. We also have a no audition performance team that meets twice a week working on shows and performances, and also includes a mentor mentee program. In the past couple of years UM has rebranded to be an ally for BIPOC and giving respect to where styles come from.
Instagram @unitedmvmtslo Youtube
Club Breakout Room
(S) - Sorority
(F) - Fraternity
* - Not participating in PCW this year but has traditionally participated in the past.